Before the frost season comes, plant trees and shrubs with prominent roots. At the base of these plants raise small mounds of soil that will protect the roots from cold. Cover with mats the cold-sensitive shrubs. If it is not very rainy, water the evergreen plants, so they could build water supply for the winter. Refrain from trimming the plants, as the sprouts will have no time to lignify and will be left unprotected from cold and infections.
To prepare your flowerbeds you should dig it now, but leave it without raking, so the dampness from precipitation. Remember to scatter the phosphoric fertilizer before that. Use potassium fertilizers as well. You should also check the soil pH. The best pH range varies between 6,0 and 7,0. If the pH is too low, you can increase it by applying agricultural lime. If you do that, never apply any fertilizers – because of chemical reactions that might occur, some of important minerals might become unavailable for plants.
When it comes to the lawn, you should mow it as long as it grows. If October was warm, you should mow it even in November. Keep the lawn clean of leaves, don’t let them cover it with airtight layer, which can cause spreading of fungus called Micronectriella nivalis, that is very dangerous to plants.
Remember to take care of your pond. It is good to spread a net above the water surface that will catch the falling leaves. Try to keep it as clean as possible, removing leaves so their weight wouldn’t cause them to touch water and start rotting. Remember to take the pumps and filter out before layer of ice covers the surface of your pond. Remove leaves and algae and wash the equipment. Plants should be moved to containers with clean water, in which they will spend the dormant season. Fish should be moved to aquarium. If your pond is big (over 3,5 ft), move the fish to the aquarium, remove 2/3 of the water, remove sludge and plant remains, clean the bottom and sideS of your pond.
It is important to cut off water flow in garden taps and remove water from pipes, so they wouldn’t burst when it freezes. You should also empty all water containers, they might break under the pressure of ice during the winter. Clean and grease your gardening tools, put them in a dry shed. Sharpen the tools that require it and fix the damaged ones. All equipment should be clean and tidy.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Prepare Your Garden for Winter
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Garden in the Middle of Winter
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Summer is going away and autumn is taking its place - this is probably not a happy time for anyone. Summer and holidays that are usually connected with it are time when we can relax, forget about troubles and reality. People who want to feel those emotions a bit longer are desperately trying to keep summer in their lives by in example investment in winter garden.
Such winter gardens are usually being constructed and installed by companies that are doing also our windows. Those people know everything not only about windows but also winter gardens. They know that it is important to make a good habitat for plants - accurate temperature and hydration. Thanks to there is a chance to grow different types of plants in the winter garden. And they will look great the whole year - even exotic plants.
If we decide on having winter garden we can delight ourselves with summer all over the year. Even if the temperature outside is really low and the air is cold. We don't have to spend fortune on trips to exotic places or doing nothing just waiting for next summer. We can do something, we can have winter garden.
Not only it would be a place where we could feel like in the middle of July. It could also be a great part of garden decor, a beautiful ornament that our friends and neighbors would be jealous of.
Find something interesting for your garden like garden buildings also beautiful in winter and summer houses Article Souce: | |
Gardens - A Place For Meditation
Image by bill barber (still ill) via Flickr
Beautiful house need a beautiful garden - they make a perfect match all together. Professional designed garden is not only a great pleasure for our eyes but also a great heritage for our children. And the garden will present passions, dreams and temper of its owner.
Good garden is the one where plants and people feel comfortable with each other. To make it a good match it is very important to do this professional - know garden owner character, preferences. Well designed garden is not only beautiful but also functional and is not a problem for people who take care of it. So it is important to think also about its placement, type of soil, is it sunny.
There are many things that we can look at when talking about functionality, and one of them is type of plants that we use and structure of the garden. We can talk here about symmetrical, asymmetrical, geometrical, regular and combined gardens - the last one have more than one specific elements in its structure.
Next thing that would have a great impact on our garden would be its climate that we would like to have it designed in. Modern science even in garden design has many things to offer - many styles that might match our character, temper and individual needs and to make us feel good in there. Our garden appearance would depend on the appearance of the our house. We can inspire here with nature and make the garden in few styles - stone garden, flower garden or just cottage or modern one.
Garden should be a special place for us, a place were we could leave everything behind, spend wonderful time with our friends, family or just with ourselves thinking about the wonders of nature and our beautiful garden. It should makes us feel better and even become a better person. So don't hesitate - think about improving your garden even during the winter or autumn time!
To make your garden look beautiful you might need an original gazebos or great summerhouses - all you can find at the site!
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
The Strength of a Beautiful Garden
Image via Wikipedia
Beautiful - warm and sunny day, hammock, and delicate, soft and pleasant smell of flowers in the air. Something like that sounds like a resting on some tropical island - but it's not. It might be also resting in our garden - cause everyone that has only a small land for his disposal can spend some luxury moments like that.
Planning a garden
Before we buy plants and trees to our garden we should first think trough the whole matter - where each thing would stand and where each plant would grow best and look best. Mostly we should remember that garden and house are composing and to look good they should match. And we should also think about what are our expectations, what is the garden's purpose and what do we want to see from our windows.
Garden as a shield
Garden that is well organized might not only look good but also play a role of some sort of shield that will protect us and our house from what is outside. Trees even small can cover us from the curious eyes of our neighbors and also dust and noise of the street. Ideal for this purpose would be all kinds of hedges that might also be cut in very original way - the design of the hedge depends only on us.
What to look at when buying plants and trees
First we should think which plants will grow nearby the house and which will be a little bit far from it. And which plants will grow also near themselves and which will be separate. It has a major meaning because some plants look much better when they are 'single', surrounded only by grass and some better in groups. Especially trees that will grow higher should be planted separately.
The dimensions of trees is also a different point to think about. But when we do all those things we surely be satisfied with the effect we get.
If you are looking for wooden and luxury garden canopies and Carports the Liveoutside website will give you exactly what you are looking for!
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Herbs - Mother Nature's Gift From Kitchen Down to Medicinal Cabinet
Image via Wikipedia
Somewhere, some place in our world, herbs had been used for centuries - something that had been part of our daily lives. People use herbs from one generation to another since they had known the medical benefits that herbs have. Here are some of list of most familiar herbs, their curing power and how you can make use of them for your recipes.
Mint is an extremely flexible herb that you could add to several main dishes, desserts and fruit salads. Mint can relieve your fatigue, help menstrual cramps and to prevent nausea and the motion sickness. It can also make used to help battle the symptom of frequent cold. Mint aid in the pour of mucous, suppress coughs and alleviate sore throats and the headaches. Inhale the vapors of the mint tea could be extremely relaxing.
Basil can be added to salads, sandwiches soups, and pasta for the best flavoring ever. It is said to lower the occurrence of sadness and pacify nerves. It helps fight off contamination, aids congestion and, promotes natural digestion.
Parsley is normally used as garnish. However, it could also add to soups, sauces, and salads. Parsley is known as Mother Nature's breath freshener. It can also be the best source of vitamin C, magnesium, beta-carotene, and iron. As such it can also enhance the immune system of the body. To add a lot of parsley in your diet could assist the gum disease and the gingivitis as well.
Thyme could be used on some roasts and hen. Add a modest on salads and soups to add flavor. Thyme is also known to battle bacterial and infections of fungal. It helps the digestion and reduces vomiting and elevation sickness.
Tarragon is generally can make use of flavor lamb and the fish but you could also make use of it with eggs and the carrot dishes. It can also help to digest and control the menstrual cycle. It could also inspire hunger and reduce joint pain.
Lemon balm is used in fish dishes, desserts and salads. It can also make the best tea. Some of the well known healing powers of the lemon balm are the muscle and relaxation of nerve. It can also fight the bacterial and the viral infections and can ease digestion.
Rosemary is a generally used herb. It increases the flavor of several dishes, like the soups, meat, stews, and fish. And also being the extremely flexible in food, rosemary has an account of medical uses, too. Headaches, the digestive disorders, upsets of stomach and age-related skin damage are merely the few problems that rosemary has used to cure.
As with everything in life, control is great. Make use of these herbs in your everyday cooking in suitable amounts. These are not pills to be eaten when you are sick however it must be part of regular diet as it includes in several parts of the nation. Herbs could add a best deal of flavor and fun in your meals. Make use of your imagination to open up great taste and healthy methods of producing the best meals.
garden buildings and summerhouses
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Garden Paving Options For Your Backyard
Paving your outdoor space not only enhances the appearance of your backyard, but provides you with an amenity that will last a lifetime. You need to think carefully about the number of available options so that they sit well with your specific outdoor space.
The infrastructure of your backyard can only be enhanced by the building of pathways connecting the various structures in that yard. Garden paving will provide you with many advantages. During wet weather a grassy unpaved area will become muddy and unpleasant to walk upon. If there is a defined pathway leading to the backyard buildings etc. the elements of the backyard become linked as elements of the outdoor space.
A pathway which meanders through a beautiful garden invites you to explore what is around the next corner, or what hides behind the tree which is surrounded by daffodils.
You will find that there is a paving design to suit all kinds of garden environments. Paving slabs come in many and varied shapes, colours and sizes. Appropriate garden paving will improve the appearance of your outdoor space, and will give you years of pleasure, both from the point of view of the practical and the aesthetic.
The two fundamental kinds of garden paving material are composite and stone.
Composites offer a very diverse range of shapes and colours because of their manufactured origin. Prices vary accordingly, and there is bound to be something available for most garden paving options, from the points of view of cost, practicality and appearance.
Precast concrete pavers, which are available in many colours, sizes and shapes, are a good quality option to consider. Poured concrete gives you a lot of flexibility with shaping and aggregation. It is extremely durable and allows homeowners to be creative when planning and building their garden paving projects.
Another very popular paving option is bricks. Bricks are available in such a range that there is bound to be something available for most situations, and they can be put down in various patterns to create different results. Even if they are not always the most economical way to go, bricks are always worth considering, and it is true that bricks will feature in most paving projects to some degree.
Paving stones are another option that must be considered because of the large range of product available. Do shop around because it can be a little expensive sometimes.
Limestone is relatively easy to work with, but comes in a more limited range of colours. Although less durable than some of the other stones, slate is, nevertheless, one of the more favoured choices in terms of sheer beauty.
Granite is a more expensive option than most, but there is a good reason for that.It is extremely robust and comes in a great variety of colours
Sandstone is one of the most popular choices and is easier to work with than some other materials. It comes in a wide range of colours and shapes and tends to be less expensive than some other options.
It is a good idea to use a variety of materials in a paving project. There is no rule which says that only one material can be used per project, and the variations which can be achieved with creative mixtures of materials can be worth the effort.
In conclusion, just remember that no matter what your taste dictates, you will be able to find something you like for your garden paving from the wide range of available products and ideas. For much more detailed information on all aspects of paving please visit our Garden Paving website.
By: Adrian Broadby
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Adrian Broadby runs a website called at He also runs a blog called Garden Paving.
The Beautiful Vines And Your Garden
Many different ground vines are available. These types grow fast and strong, and just inch their ways along the ground. They are very easy to direct, so they can make a border around your garden, or just weave in and out of the plants. I suggest using these as a hardy ground cover if you just want some green on your dirt or mulch. Usually you can find a variety that is resistant to being stepped on. It's like a leafy, nice alternative to grass. Even if you have kids and a dog, it should have no problems staying alive.
Another type of vine that is available is a "twining" vine. This refers to their method of climbing. Twining vines require a lattice or equally porous surface to climb up, since they are not sticky at all. They just climb by sending out small tendrils to loop around whatever is nearby. I suggest using this type of vine for climbing up trees, or any type of mesh. Usually you have to guide them a lot more during their early stages, and after that they will go wherever you want them to.
Vines not only look good on the ground or on lattices, you can blend them in to the very architecture of your house. This is usually achieved through the use of vines with small tendrils that have adhesive tips. They extend from the vine and attach themselves to almost any surface. If your garden is adjacent to your house and you want something to camouflage the big unsightly wall, it's a great idea to start out a few vines near the base. If you have a vine like the Virginia Creeper growing, then your entire wall will be covered in a matter of months. However I have seen situations where the vine got out of control. After that, you have no choice but to watch the vine take over your entire house.
One of the vines that you would probably recognize is Ivy. You see it around a lot, generally because it is so adaptable. Out of the types I mentioned above (ground, twining, and sticky pads), Ivy can fill in for pretty much anything. It makes a great ground cover, and will grow up about any surface you put it on. Although it grows quick and strong, I wouldn't suggest growing it up your house. This is because recently, buildings which have had ivy for many years have found that it has been deteriorating the building.
So no matter what you want to do with a vine, you should have no problem getting it to grow. You should always do your research beforehand and find out about any negative qualities the vine has (such as its ability to destroy buildings, in Ivy's case.)
By: Josiah Smart
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Learn about gardenia facts and hydrangea facts at the Plants And Flowers site.
10 Amazing Uses For A Garden Building
Got some space in your garden and a bit of spare cash for something a little different?
Here's ten amazing things you could use a garden building for...
1.Create your very own super chic, garden room drinks bar - complete with cocktail shakers, icebuckets, glasses and paper umbrellas. Fantastic for garden parties and barbecues and a great place to escape to after work.
2.Pamper yourself in your own personal garden room spa. A whirlpool bath, massage chair, fabulous skin care products and a chic flic on a wide screen TV. Absolutely perfect for a girl's night in.
3.Build the ultimate model railway room and never have to clear it all away before guests arrive. Lay track all around the garden and watch the trains from the warmth of your own garden signal box.
4.Make room in your life for relaxation in a custom made garden chill out room. Lay on cool music and comfy chairs, turn the heat up high and sounds down low then lie back and unwind.
5.Get creative in a custom built garden room photographic studio. Lights camera and plenty of action will give you a whole range of images for business and pleasure. Add a top flight digital printer and just think of the money you could make!
6.Set up your own garden room brewery. Barrels, boilers, bottles, a glass fronted fridge and a nice comfy area for quality control could give you hours of pleasure. Okay, so you might not remember too much about it but...
7.Take up wood turning and fill your garden room with shavings. The possibilities are endless from giant pepper mills to lace making bobbins but best of all you get the satisfaction of doing something practical and making something beautiful.
8.If your house is crammed to the loft with children's toys then put together a purpose built garden playroom complete with closed circuit TV, intercom, cushioned floor and walls and loads of easy to access toy storage space. Special space for the rugrats means less Lego between the toes for you.
9.Communications can give you a whole new perspective on the world. A garden based CB Radio shack complete with a monster aerial could get you eyeballing all kinds of people you might never otherwise meet. Now that's a big 10-4 good buddy!
10.A garden building can easily have a glass roof so how about your own personal observatory complete with state of the art reclining chair, star gazer's telescope, star charts and a map of Mars. Out of this world!
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Graham Baylis is as busy a business man as you can be and he knows that it's a well known fact that people need space to think, and what better space is there than a peaceful spot in your own back garden. This is just the thinking behind Garden Escape's unique range of Garden Buildings. Of course you can also use such space for business or pleasure, this list covering the FUN area. See
Rustic Garden - Design It Yourself
A person that has just started their adventure with gardening and garden decor, and is about to arrange the garden by themselves might not be so enthusiastic at first. Many people ask friends and family for advice, read books, articles and magazines about garden decorating. But many are forgetting that it's their own garden and it should be designed for their own needs.
The garden is our own special place, and that's why we should start by analyzing our needs and expectations. We have to think early about how we use our garden. It's worth taking a piece of paper, writing all the suggestions and drawing the elements that already exist in the garden.
The next step is to give a sample of soil to a laboratory and then create a base of plants with a short description about all of them. It's worth dividing the plants into groups like grass, herbs, trees, flowers or even into more specified groups. From a list like this we can choose only the plants that we want to use in our garden.
When designing the garden it is important to think also about the style of it. Many designers are inspired by the latest fashion and forget all about the old trends in garden decorating. That's why most of contemporary gardens look very similar - have a small pond, rocks, grass, regular greenhouses and a few plants that can be bought from online catalogues.
Their similar looks give us very little to think about. When living in a big city the garden might be the only space that connects us with nature and a peaceful time. It's also the place where we can go back to the traditional elements, for example plants - not the exotic types. It's even more worthwhile because - such plants are easier to take care of, are often cheaper and widely accessible.
These traditional gardens are known as rustic gardens. The character that best describes it is homely. Gardens that are arranged in this style are usually surrounded by wooden fences or a border made from solid rock that emphasises its natural character.
Most important in style of rustic gardens is to buy...very common flowers that can be found everywhere. In rustic gardens there are plenty of colorful flowers. We can also find small corners to spend a quiet and peaceful time with the person we love. This all serves to create a space that brings us back the times where everything was simpler and natural.
It's worth making a space like this in our surroundings so that we can spend relaxing times there.
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If you like gardening and are interested in garden design see those garden buildings and luxury gazebos and read the Blog.
Balconies – spring and summer arrangements
At the balcony we can plant a different kind of flowers. The most important is to decide which site is sunny and how much time do we want to spend on taking care of our plants. We can plant roses in the boxes – the small types need more time to take care of them but the variety of colors can amaze not only fans of roses. Roses are feeling the best when they are covered against the strong wind and are not in a very sunny place and not too dark either.
An interesting choice might be also fuchsia , which is having its own big coming back right now. It has been forgotten for a little time but now people are still fond of it. This really beautiful flower has almost 200 hundred different species in colors that you can even imagine – from pink, violet, to something similar of mixing them. There are smaller and bigger species – and it is not hard to make it how we want the plant to look like cause it can be easily changed, formed and cut. The flowers of fuchsia are very original and decorative, that it can be planted in a small, ordinary pot and that's it. This plant like watering and a little bit of shade.
If we don't want to have flowers in our home we can decide on having herbs at the balcony. There are not only beautiful but very practical and can be used in every kitchen. If we want to make an interesting composition we should focus on the colors of leaves and their shapes. Basil looks especially beautiful in the pots. The most decorative one has a violet leaves and is called "Magic Mountain". Almost as beautiful as basil is pepper mint (as it is sometimes called Variegata) with spotted leaves. We can set it with lavender and add a little bit of thyme that grows at low pillows. The whole composition might be completed be a species of high dill. Melissa would be also perfect because of its wonderful smell.
Of course we have to plant those flowers somewhere. We have a great selection of small and big pots. It’s worth to decide on one style and be consequent. The best choice is having pots that would match our home décor. Contemporary pots are mostly wooden and those one are most fashionable ones. They don’t have to be new or painted. Setting them with natural beauty of flowers will make the perfect match – even if the pot is a little bit old. We can also use watering-can to make a great décor and useful pot. It would be very original to have that kind of pot at our balcony. Other decorative elements might be stones or decorative glass that putted in the pot can make a wonderful ornament. They are in many colors, to find in every gardening shop.
As we can see our own balcony doesn’t have to be boring and traditional. We can design it as we would design our own garden. So let’s make it a happy place for us, our plants and the people that would pass by our balcony in amazement of its beauty.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Hot Tub Gazebos Give You The Privacy You Need!
When you install your hot tub on the deck and start to enjoy it, it is then you realize that you need to have a gazebo or an enclosure to give you privacy from prying eye when you are inside. Hot tub gazebos come in a wide range of designs and will give you this element of privacy that you need.
Not only does such a structure prevent others from seeing you relaxing in the jacuzzi or hot tub, but the sound of the swim spa and the conversation will be muffled. A simple lattice frame covered with greenery will accomplish this so it doesn’t need to be very expensive.
When you look at the many designs of hot tub gazebos, you should consider the size and location of the hot tub and the exterior design of your home and garden when deciding which one you would like to have. For example, if the exterior of your home is brick, you can have a brick gazebo.
If your deck is constructed from pine or cedar, use the same wood in the construction of the hot tub enclosure. You will find many plans for this construction online and in magazines. Many of the plans you find online and free and you only have to download them along with the instructions.
You can also purchase kits for hot tub gazebos that contain all the materials you need. You do need to have the correct measurements if you plan to use one of these kits for building a swim spa or hot tub enclosure with a hot tub cover because all the materials are pre cut to the lengths that you need for the size of gazebo you choose.
When browsing the many kits available, think of how you want to use the hot tub. If this will be a place where you want to entertain guests, you can look at designs that include benches, bar tables and of course, a built-in bar. You will also need to have storage places for towels and hooks for hanging towels and clothing.
Would you like to see the stars when you are in the hot tub at night? This is entirely possible in the designs of hot tub gazebos that do not have a roof. However, there are also disadvantages with such a design because the heat of the sun will be bearing down on you during the day and there is the increased possibility of dirt and debris blowing into the water of the tub. This will give you more work in cleaning the hot tub more than is usually required.
One thing that you do have to consider when choosing the hot tub gazebo, swim spa, or sauna of your dreams is that you have to leave room for getting at the pump and the other components of the hot tub whenever the need arises. You cannot assume that you will not encounter any problems once you have it in place.
Like all other water features you have in your home and your bathroom, there will be an occasion when you have problems with the hot tub and need to have access to the components in order to do the necessary repairs. Get ideas for hot tub gazebos and helpful advice for the construction process by doing a search online. The Internet is a valuable source of information about hot tubs, enclosures, and gazebos.
By: Allison Ryan
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Allison Ryan is a freelance marketing writer from San Diego, CA specializing in home improvement and installing and remodeling spa and bathroom features. For the ideal swim spa or hot tub for your home or backyard, please visit
What To Look For When Buying A Gazebo
When people decide to purchase a gazebo, they often strive to achieve a certain viewpoint in the yard, either from the inside looking out or the outside looking in. Whether a poolside retreat or a garden centerpiece, a gazebo may also fulfill a longtime desire to revisit childhood memories many people growing up in the south have said they wish to relive.
The three most common materials gazebos are made of include wood, metal, and vinyl. Wood that lasts like metal and vinyl is the most requested. Unlike patio covers that are mostly overhead and exposed to the weather, thus making metal and vinyl the best choice, a gazebo is to be felt all around you, and the feel of wood cannot be duplicated. That is probably why they repaint wood at Disneyland every night after closing instead of using anything other than wood.
While pine or redwood gazebos are less costly than weather resistant woods such as pressure treated and others, they will not last a long time in moisture-laden areas. Whether at the beach, the mountains, near the golf course, or the swimming pool, wood deteriorates over time. If this happens, the entire structure is compromised and soon has to be replaced. When is the last time you saw a telephone pole be replaced because it rotted from moisture? Even though they are put directly in the soil, they last for a very long time. They last because they are pressure treated.
As for the roof of a gazebo, solid composition, wood shingle, or metal will allow the gazebo to stay the cleanest and less likely to need repainting. These are usually decided upon by the need to match the home roof or surrounding yard setting, and the same goes for the color of the roofing. For the open slatted roof, painted wood can be used but will require maintenance, while metal or vinyl have the advantage of longevity in the weather, and can be used without completely losing the feel of wood down below.
The majority of gazebos are painted white to stand out from their surroundings, but can be painted or stained almost any color. Most of the major brands of paint have transitioned from oil to water base over the years and offer 25-year guarantees of endurance. With a good primer it should only be necessary to repaint due to fading or wear in the coming years, and the second coat even lasts longer since a certain amount of the first coat is absorbed into the raw wood.
Now as far as whom to buy your gazebo from, all the tried and true rules apply. References and character go hand in hand. Most thieves don’t care to uphold their name over time. They want your money fast and the consequences they’ll deal with later. The most incredible scenario that is seen time and time again is how customers will settle on the first gazebo merchant that seems reasonable and amicable, and in their haste they settle without comparing between other companies. This will come home to roost in about 4-5 years when it becomes evident the gazebo will not last very much longer, from lack of quality materials. Even the cheapest materials used on a gazebo look great and are hard to detect from the ones that will last, when first installed. And you can bet the builder will not be able to do anything for you when you realize your mistake.
Most gazebo builders have a magnifying glass on their competitors, and while all is not to be believed by one source, you can start seeing a pattern when the same opinion is shared by two or more sources. The lack of customer comparison allows many seemingly reasonable, but actually uncaring companies to continue, no matter how many customers find out the truth too late. As with any product or system, a checks and balance makes it possible for the weeds to be separated from the good, and the customer ends up with the gazebo they imagined they would receive.
By: Chris Murphy -
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Chris Murphy is an independent, freelance writer who enjoys writing about informative topics of interest to readers. For more information on this article, please visit
Exotic plants at winter time
Image by suchitra prints via Flickr
A winter garden is one of the best places to grow flowers, especially the exotic ones. We can also have vegetables, lemons and oranges there.
The most popular winter-garden plants are climbers and hanging type plants (for example ivy), high species (i.e. Chinese roses, oranges) and low species (winter begonia). You can also use your greenhouse to grow forced vegetables for example paprika or tomatoes.
In the winter garden we have to take care of the plants and the conditions that they are in more carefully than in summer time. The most important conditions are the temperature, lighting and air humidity. There are sometimes situations when people grow very demanding plants in their gardens like Chinese Gooseberry (well known as kiwifruit), or passion fruits. Having winter gardens can bring us a lot of benefits.
We can put the plants that we grew earlier in the greenhouse into our home and they will increase the quality of our air, and bring an original look to our interior. The smell of leaves and flowers have a positive impact on our mood and thanks to them we feel calmer.
We will only achieve these results when we treat our plants well. Mistakes made in growing may end up badly. Not seldom we have situations of damaging the flowers or even death. The main course for blame for this is bad conditions or choice of wrong place. Symptoms that should worry us are spots on the leaves and their strange colour.
It depends on us, our imagination and needs, what we will do with our winter garden and what plants we will have there. But it's worth thinking about when we are at the planning stage of designing our garden.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Types of Carports
Image via Wikipedia
People today care quite a bit about the condition of their vehicles; they pay a good deal of money to get them and a good deal of money to keep them in good working order. Not every home comes with a two garage to protect their automobiles and not every middle class family can afford to have a big garage built for the purpose.
For those people that love and want to protect their cars, trucks, vans and motorcycles but don't have a garage to do so, a carport can be a very good alternative. There are a wide variety of carports such as metal carports available to suit just about any purpose a person could have; they vary in the materials that they are constructed from, the style of framing and the size - there is one out there for every situation and here is a good cross section of what's available to make the correct decision when choosing which type of carport is right for your situation.
Different Materials
This is probably the most important deciding factor in your choice of carports. It will determine both the price and the structural integrity of the building.
Polyester and polyethylene construction is probably the most economically priced type of carport available, though the prices of all raw materials have gone up in recent years; polyethylene is still a more cost effect alternative to aluminum or steel framing. You won't have quite as sturdy a carport as you would if you'd gone with steel framing, but these carports protect well against the wind, rain, sunlight and light debris. Though they don't have the most rugged construction, they will provide more than enough protection for your automobile in light and regular duty applications and the light weight materials make them much easier to move than their steel counterparts.
Aluminum carports are a bit sturdier than the polyethylene variety and still come in with a lower price tag than a steel carport. The lightweight aluminum carport is fairly easy to assemble and, though not quite as portable as the aforementioned, will still be able to be moved without a whole lot of trouble. An aluminum carport is perfect for situations that need something with some reliable durability, but where cost is still a factor.
Steel carports are among the sturdiest available, but you will pay for the added integrity due to the cost of the raw materials. They offer the same basic principals of protections as both of the aforementioned models, but come with the piece of mind of being a much more permanent structure.
Sizes and Styles
Carports of all materials come in a wide variety of standard and custom sizes and can easily be built to suit any purpose. The most popular sizes are made to house one automobile or are 'triple wide' for those that want to protect more than one vehicle under the same carport. Once you determine how much space on your property you have available and how many vehicles you are looking to protect you can determine what size of carport will best suit your needs.
The styles of carport can be nearly as varied as the sizes; there are standard frames with open sides or fully enclosed, A-frames with open sides or fully enclosed, A-frame 'utility' with an open frame for vehicle protection and an attached enclosed structure for storage. Many manufacturers also offer custom styles where you can decide how you need your carport to be and they will manufacture it to order.
A carport is the most economic and readily available alternative for a homeowner with no garage, who is on a budget. Whatever function you should require of it, whether it's just to provide basic protection of your automobile; or whether you need a fully enclosed, semi-portable steel garage building for secure storage there is a carport out there for you.
By: Amy Nutt
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Offers preengineered, pre-fabricated steel buildings and metal garages, steel carports, barns, workshops and add-on structures for personal, agricultural and commercial use.
Tips On Choosing Your Shed
After making the choice to purchase a building, it is important to consider shed plans. These plans are specifically for determining what features and layouts you will want in your new building. There are a variety of options to select from to customize your structure to fit your specific needs and activities. Do you want a cozy cottage look or an industrial all purpose look to the building? Do you want a single floor or multi-floor structure? What type of foundation do you want to use? These are some of the questions that need to be answered when determining what shed plans are best for you.
Many companies offer display models of their buildings with design options available. Whether you plan to store lawn mowers, bicycles or antiques in the structures it is nice to have one that is tailored to your specific tastes and needs. These buildings will be around for a very long time! When purchasing a pre-built building be sure to ask the company about the shed plans that are available for the particular model that has been selected.
Other uses for designs are to build from scratch structures for the yard. These too can be for storing tools, equipment or even extra furniture. Other people choose to make the buildings into workshops or one room residential rentals. There are literally hundreds of designs to select from when building from scratch or from a kit to tailor to your specific desires.
Some shed plans design the building to look like a cottage, small log building or even playhouse for the kids. You can select the square footage, roofing material, structure material, door style, window options, flower box attachments and even a small porch or deck for the building! There are some designs with over hangs and even a fireplace feature. There are small buildings, two-story buildings and split level structures. When selecting a design have in mind the purpose and function of the building.
Selecting shed plans does not have to destroy your budget. There are many different plans available to cater to your needs that are affordable. Some companies offer free designs or even custom design a structure for you if you purchase the building material and supplies from them. Check with your supply dealer and find out if this an option for your area. It saves a great deal of money and time. Creative builders can purchase several designs and combine features to create a completely unique building for their needs.
Shed plans are important to custom designing and tailoring your building structures and features to your needs. If you are pre-purchasing a building the company may have variations of the model for you to select from. For those building their sheds remember the function of the shed and landscaping design where the building will be placed in choosing the right shed plans.
BuyaShed specialize in sheds garages, carports, farm sheds, garden sheds, storage sheds, workshops and much more and we deliver FREE to 100 local depots Australia wide.
By: Tony Shaw
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BuyaShed specialize in sheds garages, carports, farm sheds, garden sheds, storage sheds, workshops and much more and we deliver FREE to 100 local depots Australia wide.
Gazebos And Summerhouses
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These days, gazebos and summerhouses have grown so popular in UK that they are as almost as common as cars.
The word “gazebo” is not a single word; it has got a very colourful history behind. The word “gazebo” first came into view in the book published in 1972 by an architect named William Halfpenny. The book was called "New Design For Chinese Temples". Later it was hypothesized that Halfpenny made-up the word playfully by adding the Latin ending -ebo, as in videbo ('I shall see') to the word 'gaze' to get the meaning 'I will look.'
Nowadays gazebos have taken many forms. Throughout its colourful journey gazebos have been known as summerhouses, screen houses, kiosks, pavilions, pergolas, arbores, grottos, and pagodas.
The summer of UK is believed to be very unpredictable like as share markets. The temperature arbitrarily changes during summer. So if one think of a rendezvous in the garden, all need is a reliable garden shelter.People use gazebos and summerhouses to enjoy the beauty of a garden, some use gazebos and summerhouses as centre of lavish entertainment. Gazebos and summerhouse are the place where relax and communicate with nature. Gazebos and summerhouses really provide a touch of elegance and grace to your garden. Several types of materials can be used in constructing gazebos. Wood is one of such materials, which are used for a construction of gazebos and summerhouses. Western red cedar wood for example is very durable as it has natural oils that protect the wood from decay. Pinewood is also highly resistant to decay and insect damages. These materials make gazebos and summerhouses sturdy and long lasting. And undoubtedly, gazebos and summerhouses add a new dimension to your landscape.
By: Aggtimber
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Monday, 9 February 2009
Delightful Gazebos - Quiet And Peaceful
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Gazebos are attractive, octagon shaped, pavilion structures that can generally be seen in parks, royal gardens and other public places, although more and more folks are buying gazebos not only to enhance the look and comfort of their personal gardens but to also fully enjoy nature and the beauty of the open. Gazebos are commonly freestanding but some can be attached to walls or even out buildings as most are open on all sides with no windows or doors, so offer a superb little place to take a seat and relax in the summer months. Gazebos are a great substitute to bandstands as well and for practically any other outdoor entertainment purpose as they are very versatile and are a great way of keeping in the shade.
The history of the Gazebo goes back thousands of years and they have often been mentioned in ancient Chinese and Persian text as well as several other classical civilisations, the best examples of early gazebos are the garden houses at Mont acute house. Right through history these garden pavilions have been built using almost any type of building materials, although these days the most frequent materials used are wood, not only because its cheaper and more suitable but also because it looks very effective. In hotter climates wooden gazebos are often built with screen sides as mosquitoes can be a huge problem in these parts of the world and so the sides give a beautiful place to rest and relax whilst being protected from any unwanted irritation from insects and the like.
As a rule, the most common dimensions of a wooden garden gazebo is of 6 to 22 feet in diameter with either fully open or fully enclosed sides, depending of course on the tastes of the buyer or even the purpose by which the gazebo is to be used. Gazebos also make splendid guest houses! You can choose between either a very uncomplicated type of wooden gazebo or a robust type with trellis walls, Victorian mouldings or whatever other architectural type you fancy to add creating your very own style.
The place you want to assemble your gazebo is an additional very crucial choice to make, things such as construction, permits, regulations and other configuration particulars have to be taken into consideration and it may perhaps be a good idea to phone your municipal authority simply to run through the rules and regulations associated to its construction with them.
To make the most out of your gazebo, how about situating your new wooden gazebo by a garden perimeter overlooking a scenic view? Or nearby a garden pond; you may perhaps even put in a few of your favourite plants, trees and benches alongside or you may possibly consider making your very own garden pond nearby if you don’t already possess one. Getting a little sound guidance from an architect would be highly recommended as well simply to avert any possible disappointments later on.
People find that gazebos provide a very restful place to relax and enjoy their surroundings, whether you like to meditate, or use it for family gatherings. A wooden garden gazebo is ideal for relaxation, where noise and air pollution can be at its least.
If you select a calm, peaceful location for your gazebo, you can truly rest and enjoy the beauty of your garden and all the numerous colours of the seasons.
By: Winonline
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Tom Gee runs a website about garden buildings. For more information please visit his wooden gazebos and log cabins uk website.
10 Amazing Uses For A Garden Building
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Got some space in your garden and a bit of spare cash for something a little different?
Here's ten amazing things you could use a garden building for...
1.Create your very own super chic, garden room drinks bar - complete with cocktail shakers, icebuckets, glasses and paper umbrellas. Fantastic for garden parties and barbecues and a great place to escape to after work.
2.Pamper yourself in your own personal garden room spa. A whirlpool bath, massage chair, fabulous skin care products and a chic flic on a wide screen TV. Absolutely perfect for a girl's night in.
3.Build the ultimate model railway room and never have to clear it all away before guests arrive. Lay track all around the garden and watch the trains from the warmth of your own garden signal box.
4.Make room in your life for relaxation in a custom made garden chill out room. Lay on cool music and comfy chairs, turn the heat up high and sounds down low then lie back and unwind.
5.Get creative in a custom built garden room photographic studio. Lights camera and plenty of action will give you a whole range of images for business and pleasure. Add a top flight digital printer and just think of the money you could make!
6.Set up your own garden room brewery. Barrels, boilers, bottles, a glass fronted fridge and a nice comfy area for quality control could give you hours of pleasure. Okay, so you might not remember too much about it but...
7.Take up wood turning and fill your garden room with shavings. The possibilities are endless from giant pepper mills to lace making bobbins but best of all you get the satisfaction of doing something practical and making something beautiful.
8.If your house is crammed to the loft with children's toys then put together a purpose built garden playroom complete with closed circuit TV, intercom, cushioned floor and walls and loads of easy to access toy storage space. Special space for the rugrats means less Lego between the toes for you.
9.Communications can give you a whole new perspective on the world. A garden based CB Radio shack complete with a monster aerial could get you eyeballing all kinds of people you might never otherwise meet. Now that's a big 10-4 good buddy!
10.A garden building can easily have a glass roof so how about your own personal observatory complete with state of the art reclining chair, star gazer's telescope, star charts and a map of Mars. Out of this world! By: Article Directory:
Graham Baylis is as busy a business man as you can be and he knows that it's a well known fact that people need space to think, and what better space is there than a peaceful spot in your own back garden. This is just the thinking behind Garden Escape's unique range of Garden Buildings. Of course you can also use such space for business or pleasure, this list covering the FUN area. See
Monday, 26 January 2009
Garden Buildings A Brief Overview
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Garden buildings have been popular for centuries and were associated with luxury gardens during the Renaissance. The concept of garden buildings then spread north of the Alps and into the United Kingdom, and they are now very much part of the traditional English landscape.
Garden buildings remain popular in today’s garden, such as: garden sheds, summerhouses, or log cabins. They come in variety of shapes of sizes to fit any household need. The size of garden building you opt for isn’t necessarily related to cost, but to how much available space you have in your garden. Ideally you should have a clear space of least 18” wide on all sides of the building to ensure easy access for installation and future maintenance.
Garden buildings are usually made from wood, but metal or heavy moulded plastic is also an option. Wooden garden buildings can blend into the garden or stand out as an attractive addition. The wood will need protecting from the elements, termites, mould and damp, and therefore a good wood finisher needs to be applied once a year to protect the garden building. Plastic garden buildings are durable, will not degrade and hardly need any maintenance. Metal garden buildings often do not come with a floor. Consequently it is advisable to mount metal sheds on foundations to reduce rust problems, insects and ground water seeping into the building.
Small garden buildings, such as sheds, are often used for storage: garden tools, work tools, bicycles, and anything else that can’t find a home in the house. Sheds and men have often been associated together, but the traditional viewpoint has to change: women have recently discovered the joy of ‘shed time’ and subsequently the sale of sheds have increased.
Larger garden buildings, for example: sheds or log cabins, are extremely versatile. No longer are they regarded as just somewhere to store the gardening equipment. A popular option for a larger garden building is a home office. The smallest size for an office is generally 8’ x 10’ and the most popular sizes are 12’ x 8’ and 12’ X 10’. There are companies that specialise in garden buildings for offices and they can advise on such matters as: planning permission, location, foundations, and utilities. Large garden buildings can also be used as a workshop, to house a whirlpool or as children’s playroom/playhouse. There are purpose built garden buildings for children, and manufacturers have let their imagination run riot. There are castle playhouses, mini-home playhouses with four windows at the front, a door in the middle and an upstairs! There are playhouses on top of climbing frames, jungle huts, and playhouses in the shape of a rocket – how fantastic is that! They will keep the children amused for hours.
Garden buildings are ideal for entertaining friends, colleagues or family at home, when space is lacking in the house. Summerhouses make an ideal option, and they are also great to relax in on a warm day while the pesky insects buzz around outside. Summerhouses are attractive and can be tucked away in the corner of the garden if space is limited, or act as focal point for the larger garden. They start from a small and simple design, through to a large, hexagonal summerhouse containing a built in stove, vent and chimney; therefore you could barbeque any time of the day, whatever the weather – and you’ll have the most popular garden in the street!
It is hard to find a garden without a garden building because they are useful, practical and versatile. Furthermore, some garden buildings can increase the value of a property – another reason why a garden shouldn’t be without a garden building.
By: Sara Lungley
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Sara Lungley wrote this article on garden buildings. Garden buildings come in a variety of materials, shapes and sizes, and can enhance a garden. For more information on buying garden buildings online visit