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Beautiful - warm and sunny day, hammock, and delicate, soft and pleasant smell of flowers in the air. Something like that sounds like a resting on some tropical island - but it's not. It might be also resting in our garden - cause everyone that has only a small land for his disposal can spend some luxury moments like that.
Planning a garden
Before we buy plants and trees to our garden we should first think trough the whole matter - where each thing would stand and where each plant would grow best and look best. Mostly we should remember that garden and house are composing and to look good they should match. And we should also think about what are our expectations, what is the garden's purpose and what do we want to see from our windows.
Garden as a shield
Garden that is well organized might not only look good but also play a role of some sort of shield that will protect us and our house from what is outside. Trees even small can cover us from the curious eyes of our neighbors and also dust and noise of the street. Ideal for this purpose would be all kinds of hedges that might also be cut in very original way - the design of the hedge depends only on us.
What to look at when buying plants and trees
First we should think which plants will grow nearby the house and which will be a little bit far from it. And which plants will grow also near themselves and which will be separate. It has a major meaning because some plants look much better when they are 'single', surrounded only by grass and some better in groups. Especially trees that will grow higher should be planted separately.
The dimensions of trees is also a different point to think about. But when we do all those things we surely be satisfied with the effect we get.
If you are looking for wooden and luxury garden canopies and Carports the Liveoutside website will give you exactly what you are looking for!
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